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IS-BAO, IS-BAH Continue to Expand During Pandemic

The International Business Aviation Council’s (IBAC’s) IS-BAO and IS-BAH programs have continued to progress in many ways during these challenging times.

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New program entrants continue, as well as auditing requirements, with live audits supplemented by a virtual option introduced in late March to mitigate the impact of the pandemic.

Speaking Aug. 27 during an IBAC virtual roundtable webinar, IS-BAO Program Director Bennet Walsh said nearly 50 virtual audits have been performed since they were introduced six months ago. Many live audits also have been completed, but the virtual audits will continue at least through the end of 2020.

Walsh added that demand from operators for IS-BAO registration has remained strong during the pandemic and “hundreds of applications have been received.”

Terry Yoemans, IS-BAH program director, detailed the successful implementation of virtual auditing of FBOs. “The virtual auditing is working very, very well and we have had a significant number of audits done virtually,” he said. “Since the start of this year, the IS-BAH program has processed coming up to 60 audits despite the current pandemic.”

The IS-BAH program has also expanded during the pandemic, said Yeomans, with 236 locations worldwide passing Stage 1, 117 locations meeting Stage 2 and three locations achieving Stage 3.

“This is a voluntary program, so the fact that 236 locations have stood up without any legal regulatory requirements is fantastic,” he said.

IS-BAH has registered more organizations than IS-BAO had at this stage in its program, Yeomans continued, adding that this an achievement is a benefit to operators. “Operators should seek out these IS-BAH registered locations. They are doing something that at no cost to you is going to help your safety management system.”

During the webinar, Walsh introduced 11 Progressive Credentialed Auditors who are a key part of IS-BAO’s new FlightPlan Stage 1 and Progressive Stage 3 (PS3) programs, and recognized the PS3 leadership team made up of PS3-beta operators that spearheaded the successful implementation of the new advanced program.

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